Some excerpts from Climate Sentinel News by William Hall, author of Vote Climate 1’s monthly climate blog, “Earth’s climate system has shifted into a new kind of rapidly evolving climate regime that is not encompassed or anticipated by existing climate forecasting models (at least not before 2050…). Every month since September has set new, still more extreme records. ALL the global climate indicators are at or near all-time records so extreme that by September last year staid climate professionals have called the readings “gobsmackingly bananas.” — a phrase that is now in common usage in the climate science community.”
“...a common problem in climate science today [is that] most climatologists trained in maths or physics still fail to appreciate the importance of fundamental non-linearity and chaos of complex dynamical systems like climate. The existential emergency Sagan predicted for the latter half of the 21st Century has already started now.” “....many indicators are literally breaking records faster than I can write about them.” “The most important of these regularly breaking records is the daily average sea surface temperature (SST), which is the first place excess solar energy piles up in the climate system. On 9 May SST is still more than 0.1 °C above 2023’s 9 May record – the 423 day of continuous daily records.”
The Tasmanian election and the minority Liberal government it produced, gives us a lesson in how minority government can fail. It's a situation we must work towards avoiding Federally. Three red light candidates from Jacqui Lambie's party joined the Liberals to create a non-progressive state administration.
Unfortunately none of the seven out-standing green light independent candidates that signed up for the Climate Rescue Accord were elected. The only progressive independent to be elected was Craig Garland who we ranked with an orange light. More details on the Tasmanian election here. A successful outcome at a Federal level hinges on not just the erosion of Labor's majority. The Federal results must create a situation where the red light candidates in the lower house are not numerous enough for either major party to form government with them. The use of traffic light voting guides by swinging voters, especially in marginal seats, will help create a Federal minority government compelled to act decisively on climate. Many of us have been concerned about human induced global heating since the late 1980's or even earlier. As individuals we have worked to lead by example or, in the case of Extinction Rebellion, by disruptive protest. Emissions have continued to rise and heating of the oceans is rising exponentially. Vote Climate One maintains that we have generally failed here in Australia because none of our strategies have created the political will needed at a national level.
We are convinced that this political will could emerge from the creation of minority government. With global temperatures already at 1.5C above the pre industrial average, the next Federal election seems like our last chance to turn the ship around. Labor needs to be pulled back to say seventy seats to create a situation where they are compelled to negotiate the support of a progressive cross bench to form government. Climate Emergency Australia with Maribyrnong Council (Vic) ran the Climate Emergency Australia Conference 2024 for councillors and council staff on 19 March.
Bryony Edwards from the Climate Rescue Accord working group and Council and Community Action in the Climate Emergency (CACE) presented on appropriate council targets across the 3Rs: Reduce, Remove, Reflect: REDUCE: Real zero by 2030 REMOVE: Create biochar from all organic waste by 2030 Maximise soil carbon storage REFLECT: Maximise reflection across roads and roofs by 2030 Advocate for urgent R&D into safe methods for increasing Earth’s albedo. The Climate Rescue Accord has added an Adopters and Supporters page to the Climate Rescue Accord website. The page shows state or federally registered parties that have adopted or are adopting the 3Rs as well as organisational supporters of the 3Rs. Please get in touch If your party or organisation wants to get on board.
June 2024
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